Now Available on in Paperback and Kindle!
Invitation to Love will lead you on a joy-filled journey into the true meaning of love. Its beauty will provide comfort, direction, and a new way to respond and act with certainty.
Invitation to Love brings healing inspiration for confusing and chaotic times, guidance for establishing supportive relationships, and a road map for finding happiness and fulfillment. It provides clarity and meaning that can help to bring purpose and serenity into daily life.
Invitation to Love is not a typical book on love, but a must-read for those who search for understanding far beyond conventional thinking.
Sue Kidd Shipe, PhD, is a lifelong educator with deep connection to inspiration from beyond. In 1991, she began receiving Invitation to Love, one chapter at a time, over a period of five months. This book, years ahead of its time, was shelved for 25 years, until it became clear that now is the right time in human history for it to become public. Dr. Shipe’s other publications include: United We Stand: Reflections on a True Democracy; Celebrate Diversity! A Guidebook for Community, School and Organizational Empowerment; and Love is the Way. She has also published anonymously for several years under her spiritual name, Moriah. Now it is time to publish Invitation to Love, and share the Divine guidance we have been given through Moriah, in order to provide us with direction during this disruptive time in human history. All of Moriah’s publications on Love are now part of a growing collection called, The New Message of Love, published by the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. ( For more information about this new, universal spirituality based upon Love, go to
During this very disruptive time in our world’s history, Invitation To Love has arrived “right on time.” It’s clarity in the midst of chaos. Invitation To Love is the calm, clear, yet ever so softly spoken voice we often hear from within ourselves. We feel Its truth, sadly though, we often dismiss it as unheard. At its core, is the message of Love toward ourselves, for one another, and for our Source of All That Is. And, as I took the inner journey into an Invitation To Love, I developed a deeper Love [and trust] for this special voice that resides within my Self, this same voice within each of us. It was as if my inner voice was speaking to me the words my heart already has known for lifetimes. I found Invitation To Love as the world’s universal guidance system for each of us to return to [the Source] of Love necessary to connect to the purpose of our existence, the evolution of our soul, the unity of our worlds.
The message in an Invitation To Love felt familiar to me and I believe you will have a similar experience.
Glenn E. Kakely is author of Your Power to Create You:
Discover Your Inner Source of Abundance
Board Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master,
Natural Wellness Educator-Consultant,
New York.Moriah is a highly accomplished yet humble Spiritual Master. As I went through her beautiful book, Invitation to Love, the lines seemed to be a Conversation with God…A great teacher is one who knows what the student seeks. The great doctor is one who knows where the pain of the patient resides. A great author is one who knows what the reader needs. However, there is no great teacher, doctor or author who can teach, treat or resolve every issue on this earth. I accurately know now, why ‘Invitation to Love’ by Moriah is indeed a ‘Sacred Text’.
I am happy to find something fool-proof and handy as an optimum relief for any pain-body, a Midas touch for any disillusioned mind, and a magical healing for any tormented soul.
Asit Ghosh is an accomplished Inspirational Speaker,
Trainer, Behavioral Specialist, Life Coach,
Management Consultant and Author
India.I was astounded by how many of the words from this sacred text were a reflection of my own journey. Invitation to Love offers the reader much truth and wisdom. It is a spiritual road map to our best and highest selves.
Joe Hazen, INHC, is an Integrative
Nutrition Health Coach,
New York.“What is Love?” has been the question posed by humans since the beginning of time. In her book, Moriah has given us the answer from those closest to its source..Angelic beings who call themselves the Teachers of Love. Rarely, if ever, have sacred texts for our times been channeled as they have been in this amazing book, Invitation to Love. As one reads, one is reminded that these are the voices of angelic beings speaking to us, and not merely another book about Love. It is indeed an invitation to love emanating from the mind and heart of God, the Source of all to whom we shall all return. That return to Home, as these Teachers of Love refer to it, now has a guidebook in Invitation to Love.
These sacred channeled texts are for our Age, for our journey back to Source in these troubled, turbulent times. This invitation to love is not extended to only us on Planet Earth, but to beings throughout the vast Universe. The Teachers of Love have knowledge of other-worldly entities, and seek to have them join with us on our journey back Home to Source from which we all have come.
Diane Hale Smith, Theologian,
Educator, Musician, Photographer;
Co-Founder of Centro Civico
Amsterdam, NY.Invitation to Love is an insightful guide to a more fulfilling, rewarding life, with God’s Love and our Love for each other at the center of our being.
Ruby Dean Collins is author of Mountain Treasures,
West Virginia.For those who ponder the meaning of life and where things are headed for us individually, as a society, and as a planet, Invitation To Love will address it in a richly meaningful, yet simple enough way. This is a book which can be read over and over, and will speak to you at different levels as you move along your path. It brought peace to me in an area of life that I struggled with for many years, simply by showing me that we will all get there. We are helped along, as we help others along, creating a chain of love and connection that moves our planet towards its higher good.
Arriving at one’s own commitment to a Life of Love will be incredibly rewarding, more so than any other distraction or pleasure of life.
Lisa Nelson, HTCP, is an Author, Musician and
Healing Touch Practitioner
New Jersey.Spiritual Master Moriah shares pure, genuine wisdom in Invitation to Love. This guide to everything, from true, right relationships to opportunities for connection and joining, is insightful and THE way forward for the future.
Janet Tanguay is a Creativity Coach
and owner of Art n Soul, Inc
New York.